Technical translation English → Spanish

  • Client: Apache.
  • Project: Technical translation from English to Spanish of the survey. Project related to smart wrapping materials for storage and hosing of heritage assets (Museums, Libraries and Archives).
  • Conservators – Translators: María Martín Gil, Rita Udina.
  • Other links:  Apache Project, Survey results.

Read the POST of this project if you feel like knowing more.

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Technical translation English → Spanish

  • Client: Apache.
  • Project: Technical translation from English to Spanish of the survey. Project related to smart wrapping materials for storage and hosing of heritage assets (Museums, Libraries and Archives).
  • Conservators – Translators: María Martín Gil, Rita Udina.
  • Other links:  Apache Project, Survey results.

Read the POST of this project if you feel like knowing more.

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