Book and Paper conservation and restoration
Book and Paper conservation and restoration
Paper & book conservation
Book and Paper conservation courses and workshops

Rita Udina

I studied at the ESCRBCC (Superior School for Heritage Conservation of Catalonia) in Barcelona, specializing in Book and Paper. After a couple of years working at the National Archive of Catalonia and the Library of the University of Barcelona I founded this conservation lab. It was 1999. Since then I work for institutions, corporations and private collectors. A wide experience gives me the necessary perspective to adapt to the particularities of each project. I work on paper artwork and written heritage covering a wide range of artefacts.

Rita Udina

I studied at the ESCRBCC (Superior School for Heritage Conservation of Catalonia) in Barcelona, specializing in Book and Paper. After a couple of years working at the National Archive of Catalonia and the Library of the University of Barcelona I founded this conservation lab. It was 1999. Since then I work for institutions, corporations and private collectors. A wide experience gives me the necessary perspective to adapt to the particularities of each project. I work on paper artwork and written heritage covering a wide range of artefacts.


Diego Temple

Rita has divine skills to recover any book or document she faces. I am just astonished, not only for her professional approach but for her honest assessment when it comes to finding a solution. Always searching for the most appropriate one for each case and client. In my case it was two books, one around two centuries old and the other one was a contemporary book. She made magic in both of them. I could not imagine that my problem could be solutioned in such an accessible way. Real artcraft in times of Internet.

Diego Temple
Private collector

Andreu Carrascal

Rita Udina's workshop has always responded with professionality in all projects which the Historical Archive has commited to her.

Andreu Carrascal

Jordi Mestre Vergés

Rita is my favourite paper conservator with whom I always seek to collaborate. In the many years I have worked with her the outcome has always been the expected, promptly and with exquisit treatment. A great discovery indeed.

Jordi Mestre Vergés

Sílvia Calvet

En la primera ocasió que vaig treballar amb la Rita va restaurar un llibre de receptes de la família començat als anys 30. El resultat va ser espectacular. Ha aconseguit salvar-lo i ara el podem continuar. En aquesta darrera ocasió m'ha donat accés als professionals i recursos necessaris pel meu problema d'enquadernació. La Rita sempre és clara, ràpida i resol el repte de restauració!

Sílvia Calvet
Private collection

Lurdes Burés

Long ago I had in mind to conserve some books and photographs that I am very found of but I was hesitating. Rita's website made me confident and I am now very much satisfied. A very easy and kind approach, very clear explanations and the treatment on the books very respectful, very professional.

Lurdes Burés
Private collection